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by Lewis Chang, PhD 1 . What was observed among patients with COVID-19 infection? According to three recently published studies, the most common comorbidities in patients with COVID-19 are hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes; roughly 20-30% of them had hypertension, and 6-22% of them had diabetes.1-3 There are other comorbidities reported, such as coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. But hypertension and diabetes appear to be the most common, at least based on currently available data. 2.  Do scientists…

by Lewis Chang, PhD 1 . What was observed among patients with COVID-19 infection? According to three recently published studies, the most common comorbidities in patients with COVID-19 are hypertension (high blood pressure)…


by Lewis Chang, PhD Low levels of vitamin D in the blood (25-hydroxyvitamin D) are associated with higher risks of acute upper and lower respiratory tract infections such as flu, according to a systematic review based on 39 human epidemiological studies.1 During late winter and early spring, solar radiation is weak and the vitamin D synthesis via our skin is at its lowest. As a result, our serum vitamin D levels are much lower compared to during summer.2 It is…

by Lewis Chang, PhD Low levels of vitamin D in the blood (25-hydroxyvitamin D) are associated with higher risks of acute upper and lower respiratory tract infections such as flu, according to a…


by Michael Stanclift, ND Even before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was declared a pandemic, we were having a tough season for respiratory illnesses. For example, in January both of my children developed severe respiratory infections requiring hospitalization. They weren’t diagnosed with COVID-19, but instead were sick from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The resources for their treatment are the same as for the current COVID-19 pandemic. As we were transferring my son to the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU), a nurse…

by Michael Stanclift, ND Even before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was declared a pandemic, we were having a tough season for respiratory illnesses. For example, in January both of my children developed severe…


by Melissa Blake, ND A happy immune system is an important component of wellness. In light of the recent flu outbreak associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the task associated with supporting immune health has become increasingly significant. Avoiding illness is not always possible, but there are several steps healthcare providers can help patients put in place to support immune health and reduce the risk of getting sick, as well as minimize duration and complications if they do. Please keep in…

by Melissa Blake, ND A happy immune system is an important component of wellness. In light of the recent flu outbreak associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the task associated with supporting immune health…


by Mark Houston, MD and Sara Gottfried, MD Abstract. Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, is not a single disease. It encompasses three different pathophysiological processes that involve the heart or the blood vessels. When considering whether omega-3 fatty acids have any benefit for our cardiovascular system, there is an enormous amount of misinformation in the news and reputable medical journals. Several articles state that omega-3 fatty acids have no role in cardiovascular disease, but…

by Mark Houston, MD and Sara Gottfried, MD Abstract. Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, is not a single disease. It encompasses three different pathophysiological processes that involve…


by Molly Knudsen, MS, RDN and Noelle Patno, PhD It’s no secret that digestive conditions, especially chronic conditions, are commonplace. The most recent data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that 60 to 70 million people in the United States are affected by some type of digestive disease.1 However, that data is from 2009, and likely, the overall burden of digestive disease is much higher today. The financial burden of gastrointestinal diseases is also substantial. Health care expenditure…

by Molly Knudsen, MS, RDN and Noelle Patno, PhD It’s no secret that digestive conditions, especially chronic conditions, are commonplace. The most recent data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that…

Digestive, Foundational

by Melissa Blake, ND and Noelle Patno, PhD Introduction The human microbiome and its impact on health has become a hot topic and potent interest for clinicians and researchers alike. The interest should not come as a surprise, as research and clinical evidence have repeatedly demonstrated the significance of a healthy microbiome. Disruptions, specifically in the gut microbiome, have been linked to a plethora of diseases and conditions ranging from obesity to cognitive decline.1 The microbiome plays an essential role…

by Melissa Blake, ND and Noelle Patno, PhD Introduction The human microbiome and its impact on health has become a hot topic and potent interest for clinicians and researchers alike. The interest should…

Cardiometabolic, Foundational

by Mark Houston, MD and Sara Gottfried, MD The top five cardiovascular risk factors are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and smoking. Numerous clinical trials suggest that we have reached  a limit in our ability to lower the incidence of coronary heart disease with conventional diagnostic evaluation, prevention and treatment strategies for these risk factors. About 80% of heart disease (heart attacks, angina, coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure) can be prevented by optimal nutrition, optimal exercise, optimal weight…

by Mark Houston, MD and Sara Gottfried, MD The top five cardiovascular risk factors are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and smoking. Numerous clinical trials suggest that we have reached  a limit in…


by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction As clinicians, we all want to make effective, safe recommendations, and the evidence of safety is an essential consideration prior to prescribing an intervention. Safety of probiotics is no exception.  With evidence mounting on the many benefits and overall safety profile, it’s not surprising that probiotic supplementation quadrupled between 2007 and 2012.1 With a few considerations, probiotic therapy is generally accepted as safe and well-tolerated, particularly in healthy people. However, few studies have specifically addressed…

by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction As clinicians, we all want to make effective, safe recommendations, and the evidence of safety is an essential consideration prior to prescribing an intervention. Safety of probiotics is…


by Sara Gottfried, MD and Noelle Patno, PhD As our understanding of the gut microbiome expands, many questions remain about the clinical relevance—particularly how emerging concepts translate into the front lines of patient care, including best practices for probiotics. What is a probiotic? Why use one, and what are the most well-substantiated clinical situations in which they affect patient outcomes? What is the mechanism of action for probiotics? How do we know probiotics “work” in our patients? How can I…

by Sara Gottfried, MD and Noelle Patno, PhD As our understanding of the gut microbiome expands, many questions remain about the clinical relevance—particularly how emerging concepts translate into the front lines of patient…

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