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Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity, Publications, Publications

There is a need to identify methods to complement and enhance compliance for the ketogenic diet in order to induce and sustain ketosis. Exogenous ketone supplementation, particularly with beta-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) salts, is one such method that has grown in commercial popularity, but clinical studies that test the efficacy and safety of exogenous ketones are lacking. A pilot study1 published in the Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering assessed the circulating βHB blood (capillary) concentration in response to acute, oral βHB…

There is a need to identify methods to complement and enhance compliance for the ketogenic diet in order to induce and sustain ketosis. Exogenous ketone supplementation, particularly with beta-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) salts, is one…

Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Publications, Publications

This 12-week study evaluated the efficacy and safety of a nutritional product containing n-enriched tetrahydro iso-alpha acids and undenatured type 2 collagen in participants with chronic joint pain (including pain from symptomatic osteoarthritis and from rheumatoid arthritis). Tetrahydro iso-α acids (THIAAs), derived from Humulus lupulus (hops), have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Undenatured type 2 collagen has been found to be effective in clinical studies in RA and osteoarthritis (OA). OBJECTIVE:…

This 12-week study evaluated the efficacy and safety of a nutritional product containing n-enriched tetrahydro iso-alpha acids and undenatured type 2 collagen in participants with chronic joint pain (including pain from symptomatic osteoarthritis…

Digestive, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Publications

Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 is a well-characterized and evidence-based probiotic strain. A feeding study led by Fergus Shanahan, MD and his research group at the University College Cork was conducted in patients with ulcerative colitis. This pilot-scale, open-label study aimed to determine the ability of L. salivarius UCC118 to adhere to human enterocyte epithelial cells. The bacterial strain was administered to patients with ulcerative colitis at ~109 CFU/day for 12 days. Biopsy specimen analyses demonstrated that the ingested bacteria effectively adhered to…

Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 is a well-characterized and evidence-based probiotic strain. A feeding study led by Fergus Shanahan, MD and his research group at the University College Cork was conducted in patients with ulcerative…

Digestive, Nutritionists, Publications, Publications

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has become a significant health problem seen in many clinical practices. The prevalence estimates for SIBO in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) range from 4-78% (higher prevalence in diarrhea-predominant IBS)1 and is thought to be almost as high in many other disorders of the digestive tract. Defined as an increase in the concentration of bacteria of more than 100,000 colony-forming units per mL in the small intestine, SIBO can lead to malabsorption and malnutrition that…

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has become a significant health problem seen in many clinical practices. The prevalence estimates for SIBO in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) range from 4-78% (higher prevalence in…

Digestive, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Publications, Publications

The microbial community in each of our bodies influences our physiology, metabolism and immune function, playing roles in both health and disease. This community of bacteria helps its human host digest food, synthesize certain vitamins, and protect against pathogenic bacteria. Recognizing the benefits of “good” microbes begs the question, what does the microbial population look like in a healthy person? And how does the population differ in a person with metabolic or digestive disease? This monograph reviews the role of…

The microbial community in each of our bodies influences our physiology, metabolism and immune function, playing roles in both health and disease. This community of bacteria helps its human host digest food, synthesize…

Foundational, Musculoskeletal, Nutritionists, Publications, Publications

Xanthohumol (XN) is a flavonoid found in hops, the flowers of the hop plant Humulus lupulus. XN exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In collaboration with researchers at Oregon State University, a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study in healthy participants was conducted to determine if a protein matrix affected the bioavailability of XN when orally consumed. The circulating concentration of XN and its major metabolites were significantly higher when the spent hops-rice protein matrix preparation was consumed vs. the standard control spent…

Xanthohumol (XN) is a flavonoid found in hops, the flowers of the hop plant Humulus lupulus. XN exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In collaboration with researchers at Oregon State University, a randomized, double-blind,…

Digestive, Publications, Publications

Daily consumption of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 helped relieve severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), according to a pilot quality improvement study. The study participants (n=29) were recruited from patients who presented to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Gut Rehabilitation and Transplantation outpatient clinic (Cleveland, OH). Participants consumed the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 in an oral supplement (108 CFU/capsule daily) for 90 days in addition to standard therapy. GI symptoms consistent…

Daily consumption of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 helped relieve severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), according to a pilot quality improvement study. The study participants…

Cardiometabolic, Foundational, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Publications, Publications

Clinicians and healthcare practitioners have a unique opportunity in advocating lifestyle medicine because patients see them as a reliable source of advice. However, there are still numerous technical and logistic challenges to overcome before personal “big data” can be translated into actionable and clinically relevant solutions. Clinicians are also facing various issues prior to bringing personalized lifestyle medicine to their practice. Nevertheless, emerging ground-breaking research projects have given us a glimpse of how systems thinking and computational methods may lead…

Clinicians and healthcare practitioners have a unique opportunity in advocating lifestyle medicine because patients see them as a reliable source of advice. However, there are still numerous technical and logistic challenges to overcome…

Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Nutritionists, Obesity, Publications, Publications

During periods of over-nutrition, excess energy is stored in white adipose tissue (WAT); continuing expansion of WAT may lead to obesity. Obesity alters the cellular physiology of adipocytes, the cells of WAT. In the context of obesity, adipocytes secrete elevated levels of free fatty acids and adipokines, but decreased levels of adiponectin. These pathophysiologic changes have many effects. Elevated free fatty acids contribute to insulin resistance, oxidative stress, inflammation, and impaired arterial flow regulation Download the PDF

During periods of over-nutrition, excess energy is stored in white adipose tissue (WAT); continuing expansion of WAT may lead to obesity. Obesity alters the cellular physiology of adipocytes, the cells of WAT. In…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Nutritionists, Obesity, Publications, Publications

The clinical results of a randomized controlled research study that showed a diabetes-specific nutrition formula for glucose control in combination with a structured dietary plan resulted in significant reduction in HbA1c levels and body weight in overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) compared to an individualized dietary plan alone. The study, conducted by the Joslin Diabetes Center, was presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 76th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, Louisiana. "Effective management of A1c levels, while challenging, is…

The clinical results of a randomized controlled research study that showed a diabetes-specific nutrition formula for glucose control in combination with a structured dietary plan resulted in significant reduction in HbA1c levels and…

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