The Gut-GLP-1 Connection: Unlocking Mechanisms for Better Metabolic Health
Presenter: Bridget Briggs, MD
Event Details
Date: August 21, 2024 Start Time: 12:30 PM PT End Time: 01:30 PM PTSeminar Summary
The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight for individuals. Dysbiosis, a disruption of the gastrointestinal microbial composition by various stresses, has been associated with the development of obesity and inflammation. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a hormone produced by the gut endocrine cells and in the brain, regulates multiple physiologic pathways in order to control inflammation, appetite, and body weight. Join Bridget Briggs, MD as she reviews the latest research on the gut-GLP-1 connection and how it impacts weight management and explores evidence-based strategies to support and optimize gut health with targeted probiotics, nutritional interventions, and lifestyle modifications.
- Examine the role of GLP-1 in weight management and its significance in the context of gut health and inflammation, gaining insights into the mechanisms by which GLP-1influences satiety, glucose regulation, and overall metabolic health.
- Discuss the emerging research on the gut-GLP-1 connection, investigating how gut microbiota composition influences GLP-1 production and exploring the potential therapeutic interventions that target the gut microbiome to enhance GLP-1 activity.
- Provide practical strategies including protocols, patient resources, and ongoing support.
Presenter Bio
Bridget Briggs, MD, is a board-certified family practitioner who specializes in integrative medicine in her private practice in Southern California. She has received certification through Institute of Functional Medicine, IFM, American board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, and is a certified Master in Lipidology, from the National Lipid Association.
She is a sought-after national speaker whose talks on methylation are standing room only at most events. Her expertise in gut health, hormonal balance, methylation, & children’s health is well known in the inner circles of lifestyle medicine practitioners.