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COVID-19: Maintaining the Gut Terrain

Presenter: Patrick Hanaway, MD

Event Details

Date: May 19, 2020 Start Time: 11:00 AM PT End Time: 11:45 AM PT

Webinar Summary


Patrick Hanaway, MD, a core faculty member for the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), has been keeping a close eye on new developments and research through his involvement with the IFM COVID-19 task force. Dr. Hanaway believes the majority of people are likely to have COVID-19 at some point, and our greatest opportunity as Functional Medicine providers maybe in helping patients in the recovery process. He gives an overview of his definition of Functional Medicine and the hallmarks of a personalized approach. He discusses the importance of diet and the impact the digestive system plays in regulating the immune system. Dr. Hanaway gives an overview on intestinal permeability and its role in immune dysregulation. He also provides suggestions on how an elimination diet as well as bioactives such as aloe, larch, and boswellia may help reduce leaky gut, contributing to a balanced immune response.

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Presenter Bio

Patrick Hanaway, MD is a board-certified family physician trained at Washington University. Dr. Hanaway served on the executive committee for the American Board of Integrative Medicine and is past president of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. For the past 20 years, he has worked with his wife in clinical practice at Family to Family: Your Home for Whole Health Care in Asheville, NC.

After 10 years as chief medical officer at Genova Diagnostics, Dr. Hanaway became the chief medical education officer at The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), where he oversaw the development and implementation of IFM’s programs worldwide. He has taught with IFM since 2005, he leads the GI Advanced Practice Module, and he continues his support of IFM as cochair of the Expert Advisory Board.

In 2014, Dr. Hanaway helped develop the collaboration between IFM and the Cleveland Clinic, where he was the founding medical director. He later became the research director and now serves as a research collaborator at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. His research interests focus on evaluating outcomes of Functional Medicine models of care.

The focus of Dr. Hanaway’s work is to leverage his skillset to transform medical practices through education, research, and clinical care. In addition, Dr. Hanaway has been initiated as a Mara’akame [indigenous healer] by the Huichol people of the Sierra Madres in Mexico. He holds community fires, leads ceremonies, and offers traditional healing sessions.

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