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Articles, Cardiometabolic, Cognitive, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Lewis Chang, PhD Decline in cognitive ability progresses over a long period of time and is a risk factor for dementia. The link between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and dementia has been well documented. Mechanistically, T2D may directly induce amyloid accumulation and indirectly increase microvascular disease of the central nervous system. However, the link between T2D and cognitive decline is much less clear. HbA1c, a biomarker that reflects blood glucose levels over a prior 2-3 month time frame, is…

by Lewis Chang, PhD Decline in cognitive ability progresses over a long period of time and is a risk factor for dementia. The link between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and dementia has been…

Filomena Trindade, MD, MPH, Family Physician, Saudade Wellness Center Dr. Trindade explains that obesity, prediabetes, and/or diabetes are all clinical manifestations of insulin resistance. She will explore patient history, lack of sleep, heavy metals, microbiome, hormonal imbalances, infections, nutrient deficiencies, prescriptions drugs, and genetic predispositions to find the underlying cause of insulin resistance. Dr. Trindade will show how to devise a treatment protocol with her three-prong approach. Viewers will glean the simplicity and large impact that Functional and personalized medicine can…

Filomena Trindade, MD, MPH, Family Physician, Saudade Wellness Center Dr. Trindade explains that obesity, prediabetes, and/or diabetes are all clinical manifestations of insulin resistance. She will explore patient history, lack of sleep, heavy…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

15. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle Summit 2015 in Phoenix, AZ: Charles Serhan, PhD In this short video, Dr. Charles Serhan discusses the differences between specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) formulations for clinical application. He indicates that different product formulations must be assessed for efficacy for specific uses. Further, SPMs themselves are natural molecules and are not all created equally. They are tissue-specific, so some promote tissue regeneration while others are more effective at phagocytosis, for example.

15. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle Summit 2015 in Phoenix, AZ: Charles Serhan, PhD In this short video, Dr. Charles Serhan discusses the differences between specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) formulations for clinical application.…

Blogs, Foundational, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

Hormonal balance is recognized as a factor in the development of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. The topic is of particular interest regarding the health of peri- and post-menopausal women who experience changes in hormone levels during the menopausal transition and also have increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as they age. It is known that post-menopausal women have elevated glucose and elevated insulin response, compared to adiposity-matched pre-menopausal women, so it is…

Hormonal balance is recognized as a factor in the development of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. The topic is of particular interest regarding the health of peri- and post-menopausal women who…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

12. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle Summit 2015 in Phoenix, AZ: Charles Serhan, PhD Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease. The precursors to SPMs are omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA. In this short video with Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School, Metagenics Institute inquires about whether it is possible for humans to consume too much EPA and DHA. Dr. Serhan responds that it may…

12. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle Summit 2015 in Phoenix, AZ: Charles Serhan, PhD Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease.…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Digestive, Foundational, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity, Video

Over 75% of overeating can be attributed to emotional factors. Lifestyle habits can translate into an obese phenotype, but understanding the psychological underpinnings of food choices and obesity is crucial to effective obesity management. Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMCP is a Functional Medicine-trained clinician and researcher with a unique approach that combines physiology and psychology. In this talk titled “Scientific Understanding and Clinical Strategies for Eating Issues Related to Obesity,” Dr. Minich explores the role of mood in food…

Over 75% of overeating can be attributed to emotional factors. Lifestyle habits can translate into an obese phenotype, but understanding the psychological underpinnings of food choices and obesity is crucial to effective obesity…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

Obesity, Comorbidities & Weight Change Patterns: Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD Obesity is on track to be the #1 killer in the US. Concurrent with the obesity epidemic is the rapidly growing diabetes epidemic. Environmental impact and lifestyle choices contribute to the high “diabesity” prevalence. Furthermore, epigenetic changes across generations are also playing a role. In this presentation “Obesity, Comorbidities & Weight Change Patterns,” Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD, FACE, of the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard, explores the evolution of dietary…

Obesity, Comorbidities & Weight Change Patterns: Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD Obesity is on track to be the #1 killer in the US. Concurrent with the obesity epidemic is the rapidly growing diabetes epidemic.…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

Inflammation & Resolution Physiology in Obesity: Joan Clària, PhD Unresolved, low-grade chronic inflammation triggers adipose dysfunction and is the culprit of obesity comorbidities. In this presentation “Inflammation & Resolution Physiology in Obesity,” Joan Clària, PhD explores how the resolution phase of the inflammatory response can be leveraged to resolve inflammation chronicity. He discusses in vitro and in vivo research demonstrating the distinct biological properties, pathways and actions of omega-3 PUFAs vs. specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) in targeting unresolved, inflamed adipose tissue.…

Inflammation & Resolution Physiology in Obesity: Joan Clària, PhD Unresolved, low-grade chronic inflammation triggers adipose dysfunction and is the culprit of obesity comorbidities. In this presentation “Inflammation & Resolution Physiology in Obesity,” Joan Clària,…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Bianca Garilli, ND Strokes are responsible for 1 out of every 20 deaths in the US – that’s ~ 140,000 Americans’ lives lost each year.1 Stroke is also a leading cause of serious, long-term disability.2 Diabetes mellitus is an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke, a form of stroke caused by inadequate blood supply (and therefore insufficient oxygen and nutrients) to a particular area of the brain. Ischemic strokes account for the majority of strokes (87%) in the US.2 Another subtype…

by Bianca Garilli, ND Strokes are responsible for 1 out of every 20 deaths in the US – that’s ~ 140,000 Americans’ lives lost each year.1 Stroke is also a leading cause of serious, long-term…

Blogs, Chiropractic, Cognitive, Foundational, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one example of how precision medicine has started to play out. Recently the team from the Microbiome Center at the University of Chicago have argued that this definition is too narrow, and that the microbiome is another key factor in understanding and applying personalized healthcare. In their published commentary they…

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one…

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