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Start the Resolution: Stopping the Progression of Chronic Disease, Robert Martindale, MD, PhD


What tools exist to help prevent chronic inflammation and disease? In his talk “Start the Resolution: Stopping the Progression of Chronic Disease,” Robert Martindale, MD, PhD, Professor and Chief for the Division of GI and General Surgery at Oregon Health & Science University, explores the newest paradigm in metabolic mediation: inflammation resolution physiology. Dr. Martindale differentiates between anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution actions in the body. He delves into the unique roles that polyunsaturated fatty acids and a novel lipid mediator class, specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), play in combating and resolving inflammation. From mechanistic to ongoing clinical research in a variety of therapeutic applications, Dr. Martindale presents the evidence base for endogenous and exogenous SPMs and the critical role they play in preventing chronic inflammation.

This presentation took place on Feb 22, 2017 in New York City at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference (IHS).

View the slides



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