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Search Results for: Probiotic

Cardiometabolic, Foundational, Obesity

by Bianca Garilli, ND The rise in childhood overweight and obesity has been dramatic over the past three decades, with the number of overweight children tripling in that time frame, resulting in approximately 1 in 5 children (17%) in the US now estimated to be overweight.*1 Furthermore, while more children are becoming overweight, the heaviest children are getting even heavier.1 From 1971-1974 to 2009-2010, the prevalence of obesity in US children increased:**2 From 4.8% to 12.1% in children ages 2-5 From 4%…

by Bianca Garilli, ND The rise in childhood overweight and obesity has been dramatic over the past three decades, with the number of overweight children tripling in that time frame, resulting in approximately 1…


by Lewis Chang, PhD The majority of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have metabolic abnormalities. Because reduced diversity in the gut microbiome has been associated with metabolic disorders, researchers have hypothesized that women with PCOS may also exhibit reduced diversity in their gut microbiota, which may be linked to other hormonal imbalances including increased levels of testosterone. Investigators from Department of Reproductive Medicine at University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA), Department of Biology at San Diego State…

by Lewis Chang, PhD The majority of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have metabolic abnormalities. Because reduced diversity in the gut microbiome has been associated with metabolic disorders, researchers have hypothesized that…

Cognitive, Foundational

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one example of how precision medicine has started to play out. Recently the team from the Microbiome Center at the University of Chicago have argued that this definition is too narrow, and that the microbiome is another key factor in understanding and applying personalized healthcare. In their published commentary they…

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one…


Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, LD, CNSc: The Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease 2-part series, "Therapeutic Manipulations of Gut Microbiota – Module 2" In this module Dr. Gail Cresci discusses the therapeutic manipulations of gut microbiota, including methods for managing peptic ulcers. Dr. Cresci explores the use of fecal microbiota transplants to manage recurrent C. difficile infection, as well as the benefits of pre- and probiotics for specific ailments. Dr. Cresci’s research examines the desirable properties of specific probiotic strains, their…

Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, LD, CNSc: The Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease 2-part series, "Therapeutic Manipulations of Gut Microbiota – Module 2" In this module Dr. Gail Cresci discusses the therapeutic manipulations of…


In this video, Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, LD, CNSC from the Cleveland Clinic discusses the microbiome and whether synbiotics, synergistic combination of pre- and probiotics, make a difference. She covers the rationale for synbiotic use, synbiotic approaches, supporting evidence for health outcomes. Presented at ASPEN Clinical Nutrition Week 2015. View the Slide Deck

In this video, Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, LD, CNSC from the Cleveland Clinic discusses the microbiome and whether synbiotics, synergistic combination of pre- and probiotics, make a difference. She covers the rationale for…


by Lewis Chang, PhD Series Part 1: An Overview on Prebiotics This multi-part series will help you understand what prebiotics are, what they do, and how they may improve the health of your patients. Based on published scientific literature, this series will also clarify common misconceptions surrounding prebiotics and summarize clinical evidence of specific ingredients with prebiotic properties.  Introduction: I think I know what prebiotics are, but... Many health-conscious consumers have become familiar with the term “prebiotics.”  Yet, conflicting information…

by Lewis Chang, PhD Series Part 1: An Overview on Prebiotics This multi-part series will help you understand what prebiotics are, what they do, and how they may improve the health of your…


by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Allergy season is in high gear. The trees are budding and pollen is bursting forth in Connecticut. As our winters are warmer, we’re also seeing allergies kick in sooner, perhaps with a higher intensity than in years past. While most of us are cracking our windows open and emerging from the winter cocoon into the welcoming sun, our spring allergy patients step outside or crack their windows and they’re bombarded immediately with an almost invisible (to the non-sufferer)…

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Allergy season is in high gear. The trees are budding and pollen is bursting forth in Connecticut. As our winters are warmer, we’re also seeing allergies kick in sooner, perhaps…

Cardiometabolic, Digestive, Obesity

Hypertension (HTN) affects more than a third (32.6%) of Americans and is a major risk factor for heart disease and mortality.1 Unfortunately, the exact mechanisms as to development and maintenance of this condition are yet to be understood. It has been suggested that HTN is associated with a fundamental defect in the ability for the kidneys to excrete sodium.2 Salt sensitivity of blood pressure (BP) is a measurable, physiological, trait where an increase in dietary sodium intake leads to an increase in…

Hypertension (HTN) affects more than a third (32.6%) of Americans and is a major risk factor for heart disease and mortality.1 Unfortunately, the exact mechanisms as to development and maintenance of this condition are yet…


Daily consumption of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 helped relieve severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), according to a pilot quality improvement study. The study participants (n=29) were recruited from patients who presented to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Gut Rehabilitation and Transplantation outpatient clinic (Cleveland, OH). Participants consumed the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 in an oral supplement (108 CFU/capsule daily) for 90 days in addition to standard therapy. GI symptoms consistent…

Daily consumption of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 helped relieve severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), according to a pilot quality improvement study. The study participants…

Digestive, Foundational

A review published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics showed alcohol consumption adversely altered gut microbiota and could lead to negative impacts on the liver. It is well known that alcohol intake directly and adversely affects the liver, but more recently, it has also been clinically shown to impact the gastrointestinal microbiota. To better elucidate this relationship the authors utilized the PubMed data base, to identify and review data from research articles addressing this topic. The studies that the authors identified showed alcohol…

A review published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics showed alcohol consumption adversely altered gut microbiota and could lead to negative impacts on the liver. It is well known that alcohol intake directly and adversely affects…

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