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Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Nutritionists, Obesity

by Milene Brownlow, PhD The metabolism of exogenous ketones, in ester vs. salt forms, are explored. Highlights Ketone ester (KE) drinks elevated blood βHB to a greater extent (>50%) than Ketone salt (KS) drinks, while KS drinks increased blood levels of L-βHB, which was metabolized more slowly Both drinks had similar effects on FFA, TG, glucose and electrolyte concentrations, although only KE significantly decreased blood pH below normal range Consumption of a meal prior to KE intake decreased total blood…

by Milene Brownlow, PhD The metabolism of exogenous ketones, in ester vs. salt forms, are explored. Highlights Ketone ester (KE) drinks elevated blood βHB to a greater extent (>50%) than Ketone salt (KS)…

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