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by Romilly Hodges, MS, CNS Dynamic Bone Bone is not a static entity in our body. Our body is continually actively forming bone, as well as breaking it down—a process called bone remodeling. Osteoblast cells are responsible for forming bone matrix, a collagen-proteoglycan mix that can bind mineral salts, mostly as calcium hydroxyapatite. Osteoclast cells are active in resorbing bone matrix by secreting cathepsin K proteases that catabolize bone collagen, and hydrogen ions that lower the surrounding pH and solubilize minerals. A healthy…

by Romilly Hodges, MS, CNS Dynamic Bone Bone is not a static entity in our body. Our body is continually actively forming bone, as well as breaking it down—a process called bone remodeling. Osteoblast cells are…


by Christopher Moulton, PhD Pectin is a complex and heterogeneous aggregation of polysaccharides first isolated from plant matter in 1825 by French chemist and pharmacist Henri Bracconot.1 Pectin is the major constituent of all plant primary cell walls, contributing to the plant’s structural integrity and providing a barrier to the external environment. Consequently, pectin is a component of all omnivorous diets. Pectin is known to be a soluble, prebiotic fiber that bypasses human digestion in the small intestine, but is…

by Christopher Moulton, PhD Pectin is a complex and heterogeneous aggregation of polysaccharides first isolated from plant matter in 1825 by French chemist and pharmacist Henri Bracconot.1 Pectin is the major constituent of…


Functional Medicine and Women’s Health: Interview with Joel Evans, MD Part 2: PCOS & Preconception Care/Fertility In this series, we sat down with Joel Evans, MD to talk about Functional Medicine options for common women’s health issues. Q: What is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and what causes it? A: In order to understand polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s important to understand that it is a syndrome. When we use the word “syndrome” in medicine, it usually means there are many different symptoms and…

Functional Medicine and Women’s Health: Interview with Joel Evans, MD Part 2: PCOS & Preconception Care/Fertility In this series, we sat down with Joel Evans, MD to talk about Functional Medicine options for…


Functional Medicine and Women’s Health: Interview with Joel Evans, MD Part 1: Thyroid, Adrenals & Excess Estrogen We sat down with Joel Evans, MD to talk about Functional Medicine options for common women’s health issues. Q: Let’s talk about thyroid dysfunction. What are underlying causes that can be addressed through nutrition? What are the risks if left unaddressed? A: Thyroid dysfunction is incredibly prevalent, and the signs may be a little bit insidious. That’s why we have to evaluate our patients for thyroid…

Functional Medicine and Women’s Health: Interview with Joel Evans, MD Part 1: Thyroid, Adrenals & Excess Estrogen We sat down with Joel Evans, MD to talk about Functional Medicine options for common women’s health…

Foundational, Musculoskeletal

You try to eat well to feel good and stay healthy. While it’s optimal to get your daily nutritional needs from the foods you eat, it’s just plain difficult. There is conflicting information out there on the benefits of supplements, but the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 say that supplements may be useful for providing the nutrients you may be lacking from diet alone. Still on the fence? Consider these top five reasons to add a multivitamin to your daily regimen. 1. Healthy…

You try to eat well to feel good and stay healthy. While it’s optimal to get your daily nutritional needs from the foods you eat, it’s just plain difficult. There is conflicting information…

Cardiometabolic, Foundational

What’s Eating You? Feeling overly tired, bloated, or achy? When dealing with these often stress-related concerns, there are a few questions you should ask yourself: Am I eating well? Am I getting enough sleep? Do I drink enough water and get enough exercise? A healthy body handles daily stress better while an unhealthy lifestyle and daily stress can contribute to a deeper issue—chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to fighting off potential health threats, but unhealthy lifestyle choices…

What’s Eating You? Feeling overly tired, bloated, or achy? When dealing with these often stress-related concerns, there are a few questions you should ask yourself: Am I eating well? Am I getting enough…


If you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, counting sheep may be as important as counting the carbs on your plate or weight repetitions at the gym. Because, while physical activity and a balanced diet are key factors, sleep may be the most overlooked aspect of your weight management plan. Can you sleep your way to your dream body? Perhaps not. But if you are sleep deprived, more sleep may help you reach your weight goals. Here’s what you need…

If you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, counting sheep may be as important as counting the carbs on your plate or weight repetitions at the gym. Because, while physical activity and a…


Hormonal balance is recognized as a factor in the development of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. The topic is of particular interest regarding the health of peri- and post-menopausal women who experience changes in hormone levels during the menopausal transition and also have increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as they age. It is known that post-menopausal women have elevated glucose and elevated insulin response, compared to adiposity-matched pre-menopausal women, so it is…

Hormonal balance is recognized as a factor in the development of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. The topic is of particular interest regarding the health of peri- and post-menopausal women who…

Cognitive, Foundational

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one example of how precision medicine has started to play out. Recently the team from the Microbiome Center at the University of Chicago have argued that this definition is too narrow, and that the microbiome is another key factor in understanding and applying personalized healthcare. In their published commentary they…

by Kara Fitzgerald, ND Precision medicine, which encompasses the concepts of individual uniqueness and personalized healthcare solutions, has to-date been most focused on genetics. Genetic-based differences in tumor cells, for instance, is one…

Cardiometabolic, Digestive, Foundational, Obesity

by Nilima Desai, MPH, RD Research has established that inflammation is a risk factor for several chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and metabolic syndrome.1 But understanding how inflammation works can be overwhelming. Types of Inflammation Inflammation is classified as either acute or chronic. Inflammation is a natural and necessary component of innate immunity since acute inflammation is the normal physiologic response to injury, infection, or irritation1 and is often short-lived. This acute inflammatory process…

by Nilima Desai, MPH, RD Research has established that inflammation is a risk factor for several chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and metabolic syndrome.1 But understanding how…

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