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Functional Medicine

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Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease. In this short video, Metagenics Institute asks Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School about some parameters or markers that can be used to assess the efficacy of SPMs. Dr. Serhan responds that indices have been created to measure SPMs. Current tools include assessing pre- and post- levels of SPMs in blood, as well as the functional increase related to certain…

Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease. In this short video, Metagenics Institute asks Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School…

Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease. In this short video, we ask Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School about some situations under which SPM biosynthesis would be challenged. More specifically, what pharmacological interactions would make SPMs and inflammation resolution less effective? Dr. Serhan responded that a variety of pharmaceuticals have been tested with SPMs. It may be surprising that NSAIDs, which reduce the signs and symptoms…

Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs) offer an exciting opportunity to treat and manage the inflammation often associated with chronic disease. In this short video, we ask Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School about…

Functional Medicine, Musculoskeletal, Video

In this video we ask Dr. Serhan, "What is the potential use of supplements enriched with SPMs for patients whose diets are deficient in essential fatty acids?" 3. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle Summit 2015: Charles Serhan, PhD

In this video we ask Dr. Serhan, "What is the potential use of supplements enriched with SPMs for patients whose diets are deficient in essential fatty acids?" 3. Insights from the Metagenics Lifestyle…

Blogs, Cardiometabolic, Foundational, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were released in January 2016 and have made significant updates for the consumer based on good science. However, the translation of the scientific basis of the recommendations to the Dietary Guidelines did not include some key scientific insights important to healthy lifestyles. Based on our ongoing commitment to creating safe, trusted, and effective medical nutrition solutions to prevent and manage chronic diseases, we conducted a detailed review in collaboration with our research partners at the Joslin Diabetes…

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were released in January 2016 and have made significant updates for the consumer based on good science. However, the translation of the scientific basis of the recommendations to the…

Digestive, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity, Video

Frank Hu, MD, PhD at Nutrition Pro 2015: Translating Genetic Information in Nutrition Practice Dr. Frank Hu of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discusses the role of genetic information, prediction of chronic disease, and nutrition interventions for improved health. This presentation comes from Nutrition Pro 2015 and contains valuable information for clinical translation of genetic information for improved nutrition practice. Genes play only a small role in our overall health outcomes. Other genetic determinants, such as…

Frank Hu, MD, PhD at Nutrition Pro 2015: Translating Genetic Information in Nutrition Practice Dr. Frank Hu of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discusses the role of genetic information, prediction…

Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Nutritionists, Obesity

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN Cellular oxidative stress, the balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants, may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases.1 A nutrient-dense dietary pattern, particularly one containing fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes, confers antioxidant activity in the body. This is important because prior research has demonstrated that increasing the amount of antioxidants in the diet is associated with reductions in cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and all-cause mortality.1 However, data linking antioxidant intake and effects…

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN Cellular oxidative stress, the balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants, may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases.1 A nutrient-dense dietary pattern, particularly one containing fruits and vegetables,…

Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Musculoskeletal, Nutritionists, Video

Cardiovascular function can be strategically supported via targeted nutritional factors that support nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, which is essential for healthy endothelial function and blood flow. Arginine, citrulline, cocoa polyphenols, folate, vitamin C, and magnesium help protect and maintain NO synthesis, and therefore, preserve healthy endothelial function and blood flow. This endothelial health animation video shows how various nutritional factors impact the NO synthesis pathway. Understanding these biochemical insights will help leverage targeted, personalized nutrition therapies to optimize endothelial health…

Cardiovascular function can be strategically supported via targeted nutritional factors that support nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, which is essential for healthy endothelial function and blood flow. Arginine, citrulline, cocoa polyphenols, folate, vitamin C,…

Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN The global burden of diabetes is staggering, with an estimated 422 million adults living with the chronic disease.1 This prevalence has almost doubled since 1980 alongside the rise in obesity and has been dubbed the “diabesity” phenomenon.1 Diabetes and its myriad comorbidities (heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, limb amputation, vision loss, and pregnancy complications) translate into substantial economic losses to the person affected by the disease, health systems and national economies.1 Effective…

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN The global burden of diabetes is staggering, with an estimated 422 million adults living with the chronic disease.1 This prevalence has almost doubled since 1980 alongside the…

Bariatric, Blogs, Chiropractic, Foundational, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Musculoskeletal, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Robert Silverman, DC, MS, CNS   When your joints ache, don’t open the medicine cabinet for a pain pill. Instead, head to the grocery store to find healthful—and delicious—foods the support joint health instead. Sweet Potatoes The deep orange color of a sweet potato comes from the rich supply of beta-carotene it contains. Beta-carotene is the natural precursor of vitamin A (retinol). When you eat a sweet potato, your body converts some of the beta-carotene into vitamin A. The rest…

by Robert Silverman, DC, MS, CNS   When your joints ache, don’t open the medicine cabinet for a pain pill. Instead, head to the grocery store to find healthful—and delicious—foods the support joint health…

Articles, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN Updated clinical practice guidelines from the 2017 American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions and co-published in Hypertension1 and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology2 by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and AHA, revealed a new blood pressure (BP) classification system and updated hypertension (HTN) treatment recommendations, with a clear emphasis on lifestyle approaches. How will these guidelines affect clinical decision-making? These updated, more conservative ACC/AHA criteria will translate into millions of newly diagnosed patients with HTN, shifting many…

by Ashley Jordan Ferira, PhD, RDN Updated clinical practice guidelines from the 2017 American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions and co-published in Hypertension1 and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology2 by the American College of Cardiology…

Metagenics Institute is a trusted, peer-to-peer, evidence-based educational resource for nutrition and personalized medicine.
At Metagenics Institute, we translate credible research with scientific integrity into innovative and actionable clinical
decision-making. Metagenics Institute supports a diverse practitioner base to optimize patient outcomes by shifting existing paradigms in healthcare. Our mission is to transform healthcare by inspiring and educating practitioners, and their patients, about personalized lifestyle medicine.

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